ㆍ Studies on the function of NEDD4 in proliferation and differentiation of bone marrow-derived stem cells /
    전선애, 2020, (지도교수 : 조재열)
ㆍThe pathogenicity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the role of antimicrobial peptides in canine skin /
    현재은, 2020, (지도교수 : 황철용)
ㆍ Studies on improving the efficacy of fish vaccines using a novel methodology: 
    Antigen, administration, and delivery / 윤새길, 2020, (지도교수 : 박세창)
ㆍ Improvement of oocyte in vitro maturation system via EGFR/MAPK signaling pathway using canine oviduct cells
    and their extracellular vesicles / 이석희, 2020, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍ Epigenetic modification of cloned embryos and the production of transgenic piglets 
    expressing human thrombomodulin / 진여경, 2020, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍ Molecular surveillance of infectious agents in genital swabs in breeding Thoroughbred horses in South Korea /
    이상규, 2020, (지도교수 : 이인형)
ㆍ Characterization of microbial community and microaerophilic microbe in the gut of domesticated and 
    wild animals using culture-independent/-dependent tools / 김준형 , 2020 (지도교수 : 조성범)
ㆍ Development of highly productive and mammalian non-pathogenic recombinant 
    LPAI/HPAI vaccine  / 안세희, 2020, (지도교수 : 김재홍)
ㆍ Genomic analysis of antimicrobial resistance in Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolates from canine pyoderma /
    강정훈, 2020, (지도교수 : 황철용)
ㆍ Effects of Phloretin, Pimzoide, and Gpx3 knock-out on redox homeostasis of prostate cancer /
    김욱진, 2020, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍ Development and Evaluation of Alternatives to Laboratory Animals for Organ-Specific Toxicity /
    유보경, 2020, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍ Study on the Development of Optimized Non-Animal Method for Predicting Skin Sensitization Potenitals 
    of Cosmetic Ingredients / 조선아, 2020, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍ Anti-tumor effects of rivoceranib, tyrosine kinase inhibitor for treatment of canine melanoma and 
    mammary gland tumor ultrasonographic examinations in dogs / 김유석, 2020, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍ Inhibition of porcine endogenous retrovirus by RNA interference / 정희천, 2020, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍ Vesicular stomatitis virus serotype New Jersey glycoprotein as a tool for diagnostic antigen and 
    Foot-and-mouth disease vaccine carrier / 이향심, 2020, (지도교수 : 윤희정)
ㆍ Endo-Parasites and pathologic findings in narrow-ridged finless 
    porpoise(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis) habiting in Korean seas / 김선민, 2020, (지도교수 : 윤희정)
ㆍ Induction of mucosal immune responses by Brucella abortus antigens using delivery systerms
    based on chitosan nanoparticles / 심수진, 2020, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍ Bone Healing Effects of Osteogenic induced Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Sheets in Canine Fracture Models /
    윤용석, 2020, (지도교수 : 강병재)
ㆍ Targeting Macrophages in the Microenvironment of Inflammation and Cancer / 송주하, 2020, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍ Therapeutic potential and safety profile of a selective A3 adenosine receptor modulator 
    in experimental animals / 박종우, 2020, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍ Clinical effectiveness of strain elastography combined with lymphosonography for mandibullar lymp node assessment 
    in patients with head and neck cancer dogs / 최미현, 2020, (지도교수 : 최민철)
ㆍ Immunomodulatory Effect of Extracellular Vesicles Secreted by Canine Adipose Tissue Derived 
    Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cell in Mouse Models of Inflammatory Bowel Disease /
    안주현, 2020, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍ Identification of causative agents with high mortality in marine bivalve and 
    application of bacteriophage to prevent Vibrio coralliilyticus / 김현중, 2020, (지도교수 : 박세창)
ㆍ Conservation genetics of the endangered narrow-ridged finless porpoise
    (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis) in East Asia(멸종위기종 동아시아 상괭이의 보전유전학) /
    이선미, 2019, (지도교수 : 이항)
ㆍ Analysis of Cranial Suture Closure Pattern and Development of Non-invasive Age Estimation Method
     in Cervids(사슴류에서 머리뼈봉합의 유합 양상 분석 및 이를 통한 비침습적 연령추정법 개발) /
    오진우, 2019, (지도교수 : Junpei KIMURA)
ㆍ Control of Macrophage Phenotypic Polarization by TSG-6 Secreted from Human and Canine Adipose
     Tissue-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Mouse Models of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
     (염증성 장질환 마우스 모델에세 시람과 개의 지방유래 중간엽줄기세포가 분비하는 TSG-6에 의한 대식세포 표현형 조절) /
    송우진, 2019, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍ Effect of Soluble Factor Secreted by Human and Canine Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells
    on ER Stress of Pancreatic Acinar Cells
    (사람 및 개 지방유래중간엽 줄기세포의 수용성 인자가 췌장샘꽈리세포 소포체 스트레스에 미치는 효과) /
    이강, 2019, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍ Effects of cuprizone on hippocampal neurogenesis Differental roles of melatonin and hypothermia /
    (해마의 신경세포재생에 미치는 cuprizone의 영향에 대한 멜라토닌과 저체온증의 효과) 김우석, 2019, (지도교수 : 황인구)
ㆍ Effects of exercise training on hypothalamic pre-sympathetic neurons and organ surface primo-vascular
    system in heart failure rat
    (운동이 심부전 랫드 시상하부 교감신경 조절 세포와 장기 표면 프리모순환계 조직에 미치는 영향) /
    심일명, 2019, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍ Enhancement of therapeutic efficacy by immunomodulation in human mesenchymal stem cells
    (인간 중간엽 줄기세포의 면역 조절능을 통한 치료 효율 향상 연구) / 이병철, 2019, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍ Genomic and pathobiological characterization of infectious bronchitis virus and
    Development of a cold-adapted live attenuated vaccine strain
    (닭 전염성기관지염 바이러스의 유전체 및 병리 생물학적 분석과 저온적응 약독화 백신주 개발) /
    홍승민, 2019, (지도교수 : 김재홍)
ㆍ Molecular mechanisms of microglial and Purkinje cell dysfuction in Niemann-Pick disease type C1
    (니만-피크 C1형 질환에서 미세아교세포와 소뇌 푸르키니에 세포의 기능 장애에 관한 분자 기전연구) /
    강인성, 2019, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍ Potential biomarker of autoantibody to extracellular protein Kinase A in dogs with Cancer
    (개의 악성종양 바이오마커로서의 세포외단백질인산화효소 A에 대한 자가항체) / 유민옥, 2019, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍ Prevalence, Transmission, and Molecular Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Gesistance of Escherichia
    coli from Food-producing Animals in Korea / 쿠아스트로스, 2019, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍ Preventive Effect of Molecular on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
    (비알콜성 지방간 질환에 대한 몰리브덴산염의 예방적 효과) / 이승우, 2019, (지도교수 : 류덕영)
ㆍ Role of Hedgehog Signaling Pathway and Its Inhibition at the Levels of Smoothened and
    GLI in Canine Osteosarcoma Cell Lines
    (개 골육종에서 헤지혹 신호전달경로의 역할과 Smoothened와 GLI수준에서의 경로 차단에 의한 항암효과 확인) /
    남아령, 2019, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍ Studies on Lung Cancer Biomarkers by Proteogenomic Analysis
    (프로테오지노믹스 기법을 이용한 폐암 바이오마커 연구) / 김용인, 2019, (지도교수 : 조제열)
ㆍ The effect of the tumor microenvironmental stress on malignant mesothelioma
    (종양 미세환경 스트레스가 악성중피종에 미치는 영향) / 김명철, 2019, (지도교수 : 김용백)
ㆍ The efficacy of leptin as a pre- and postoperative evaluation factor for gallbladder
    mucocele and cholelithiasis in dogs(개의 담낭점액종과 담석증 환자에서 수술 전후 평가인자로서 렙틴의 효용성 연구) /
    이성인, 2019, (지도교수 : 김완희)
ㆍ Whitening and moisturization efficacy of mammnosylerylerythritol lipids
    in three-dimensional human skin equivalent and human skin cells
    (피부세포와 3차원 피부 모사체를 이용한 mannosylerythritol lipids의 미백과 보습효과에 관한 연구) /
    배일홍, 2019, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍ Conservation Genetics of Eurasian Otter in South Korea(한국수달의 보전유전학적 연구) /
    박한찬, 2019, (지도교수 : 이항)
ㆍ Immune Responses to Stimulation of Brucella abortus Antigens
    (Brucella abortus의 항원 자극에 의한 면역반응) / 임영빈, 2019, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍ Study for mechanism of vitamin B6 effects on hippocampal neurogenesis
    (비타민B6가 해마의 신경세포재생에 미치는 영향에 대한 기전 연구) / 정효영, 2019, (지도교수 : 황인구)
ㆍ The Efficacy of Intra-articular Injection of a Selective Inhibitor of Smad 1/5/8 pathway
     (Engedi 1000) for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis in Dogs / 최경욱, 2019, (지도교수 : 권오경)
ㆍ The Role of Ninjurin1 on Pulmonary Fibrosis
     (폐섬유화증 발생 과정에서 Ninjurin1의 역할에 대한 연구) / 최승호, 2019, (지도교수 : 윤여성)
ㆍ The Roles of gastric mucosal dendritic cell in Helicobacter-induced gastritis
    (Helicobacter 감염에 의한 위염에서 위 점막 수지상세포의 역할) / 고두민, 2019, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍ Anti-inflammatory effects of canine adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in a rat model of severe acute
     pancreatitis(급성췌장염랫드모델에서 개의 지방유래 중간엽 줄기세포의 항염증효과) / 김현욱, 2017, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍ Therapeutic effects of ginsenoside F2 against contact dermatitis in murine model(접촉성 피부염에서의 인삼유래 추출물
     ginsenoside F2의 및 기전 연구) / 박설희, 2017, (지도교수 : 황철용)
ㆍ Application of piggyBac transposon system in transgenic pig cloning(형질전환복제돼지 생산을 위한 PiggyBac transposon
    system의 적용) / 김수진, 2017, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍ Effect of brain derived neurotrophic factor-expressing mesenchymal stromal cells and chondroitinaseABC on chronic
     canine spinal cord injury(개의 만성 척수 손상에 대한 뇌유래신경인자발현 중간엽줄기세포와 콘드로이치네이즈ABC의
    신경 재생 효과) / 이승훈, 2017, (지도교수 : 권오경)
ㆍ Production of cloned embryos using PRNP-knockout fibroblasts(프리온 유전자가 제거된 체세포를 이용한 소 복제 배아 생산에
     관한 연구) / 최우재, 2017, (지도교수 : 장구)
ㆍ Development and Evaluation of Intra-abdominal Hypertension Model in Conscious Dogs(의식이 있는 개에서 복강내압
    항진증 모델의 개발 및 평가) / 장민, 2017, (지도교수 : 이인형)
ㆍ Toxicity mechanisms of chlorpyrifos and trifloxystrobin pesticides in human keratinocytes(클로르피리포스와
    트리플록시스트로빈 농약의 피부 세포 내 독성 기전 연구) / 장윤정, 2017, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍ Morphological Features of a Novel Tissue, Primo-Vascular System(최근 발견된 조직인 프리모순환계통의 형태학적 특성) /
    임채정, 2017, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍ Direct cell Fate Conversion of Human Somatic Cells into Neural Stem Cells(인간 체세포로부터 신경줄기세포로의
     직접교차분화 연구) / 신지희, 2017, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍ Development of diagnostic methods and surveillance of Rift valley fever in Republic of Korea(리프트계곡열의 진단법
    개발 및 국내 에찰에 관한 연구) / 김현주, 2017, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍ The role of osteopontin on gastric and hepatic carcinogenesis in mouse model(마우스 위암과 간암 모델에서
    Osteopontin의 역할) / 이수형, 2017, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍ Development of Reference Databases for Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) and mitochondrial HV1 region in Dogs
    (한국 내 개의 STRs (Short Tandem Repeats) 및 mitochondrial HV1 지역 분석을 통한 집단 유전학적 데이터베이스 구축에 대한
     연구) / 문서현, 2017, (지도교수 : 조성범)
ㆍ Development of anti-cancer therapeutic strategy using synthetic non-viral carriers for gene and drug delivery in targeted
     cancers / 노무, 2017, (지도교수 : 조제열)
ㆍ Molecular diagonostic and epidemiological investigations of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Campylobacter
     jejuni in dairy cattle(젖소에서 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli와C. jejuni의 분자진단 및 분자역학 연구) /
     동희진, 2017, (지도교수 : 조성범)
ㆍ Antimicrobial resistance and possible transmission of Escherichia coli between companion animals and related
     personnels(반려동물과 관련·종사자에서 분리된 항생제 내성 대장균의 상관성 분석) / 정연수, 2017, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍ Therapeutic potential of hepatocyte growth factor overexpressing human adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem
     cells and its mechnism study in an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mouse model( 간세포성장인자 유전자 도입 사람지방유래
     중간엽줄기세포를 이용한 근위축성측삭경화증 마우스 모델에서 치료효능 및 기전연구) / 한상훈, 2017, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍ Comparative Efficacy of Two PRRSV and PCV2 Vaccines(두 가지 PCV2와 PRRSV 백신의 효능 비교 평가) /
    강희석, 2017, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍ Study on the Functional Role of Glutathione Peroxidase 3 as a Tumor Suppressor in Prostate Cancer(전립선암에서
    GPx3의 종양 억제 유전자로서의 기능에 관한 연구) / 장서나, 2017, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍ Physico-immunological Characterizations of Exogenous Substance (Palmitoleic Acid and Okadaic Acid) in Bivalves
    (이매패류에 있어 외인성 화합물(Palmitoleic Acid와 Okadaic Acid)에 의한 생리면역학적 특성 규명) /
     치쳉, 2017, (지도교수 : 박세창)


ㆍInhibitory effects of resveratrol on hepatitis B virus X-protein (HBx)-induced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) (B형 간염
     바이러스 X-단백질로 유도된 간세포암종에서 resveratrol의 억제 효과) / 박승모, 2016, (지도교수 : 조성범)
ㆍ Development of air assisted lamellar keratectomy for corneal haze model and deep anterior lamellar keratopalsty in
    dogs(개에서 각막흐림모델과 심부표층각막이식을 위한 공기주입 각막절제술의 개발) / 김수현, 2016, (지도교수 : 서강문)
ㆍ Evaluation of Bronchial Wall Thickness using High Resolution CT in Healthy and Asthmatic Cats(정상 및 천식 고양이에서
    고해상도 전산화단층촬영을 통한 기관지 벽 두께 평가) / 원성준, 2016, (지도교수 : 윤정희)
ㆍ Prevalence and Diagnostic Methods of Streptococcal Polyserositis in Pigs(돼지 연쇄상구균성 다발성 장막염의 유병률과
     진단법) / 강익재, 2016, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍ Evaluation of Type 1 Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Vaccines based on Clinical,
     Virological, Immunological and Pathological Analyses(유럽형 돼지 생식기 호흡기 증후군 바이러스 백신의 임상학적,
     바이러스학적, 면역학적, 병리학적 분석을 통한 평가) / 김태연, 2016, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍ Glucose independent pleiotropic effects of a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor on diabetic complications
    (DPP-4 억제제의 당뇨 합병증에서 다양한 혈당 비의존성 기전 연구) / 정은수, 2016, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍ Interaction of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Porcine Circovirus type 2, and Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory
     Syndrome Virus(마이코플라즈마, 써코바이러스, 돼지 생식기 호흡기 증후군 바이러스의 상호작용 연구) (Interaction of
     Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Porcine Circovirus type 2, and Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus) /
     박수진, 2016, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍ Generation of transgenic cloned dog using adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell(지방줄기세포를 이용한 형질전환
    복제개의 생산) / 오현주, 2016, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍ Prevalence and transmission of antimicrobial resistance in Escherihcia coli isolated from food-producing animals
    (국내 농장분리 대장균의 항생제 내성유형 및 내성유전자의 전달에 관한 분석) / 신승원, 2016, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍ Phylogeography and population genetic study of Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) and phylogeography study of
    Siberian musk deer (Moschus moschiferus) (시베리아노루의 계통지리 및 집단유전학 연구와 시베리아사향노루의 계통지리
    연구) / 이윤선, 2016, (지도교수 : 이항)
ㆍ Emergence of novel RNA viruses in swine herd in Korea(국내 돼지 농가에서의 새로운 RNA 바이러스들의 출현) /
    이지훈, 2016, (지도교수 : 박봉균)
ㆍ Development of multi-residue analytical methods for quinolones, cephalosporins, and trimethoprim and application to
     the residue monitoring in livestock and marine products in Korea(축·수산물 중 퀴놀론계, 세팔로스포린계 및 트리메토프림
    항생제에 대한 동시분석법 개발 및 잔류실태조사) / 장진욱, 2016, (지도교수 : 이항)
ㆍ Effect of Toll-Like Receptors 4, 5 and 7 during Prostate Tumor Progression in the Transgenic Adenocarcinoma of Mouse
    Prostate Model(전립선암 모델 마우스 (TRAMP) 의 전립선 종양 진행에서Toll-Like receptor 4, 5, 7 의 영향) /
     한주희, 2016, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍ The role of peripheral P2Y1 receptor-mediated TRPV1 receptor modulation in the development of thermal
    hyperalgesia(말초 P2Y1 수용체를 통한 TRPV1 수용체 조절이 열성 통각과민의 형성에 미치는 영향) /
    권순구, 2016, (지도교수 : 이장헌)
ㆍ AHNAK ablation promotes browning of white adipose tissue and counteracts obesity(AHNAK 유전자 결손에 의한
    백색지방에서 갈색지방 발생과 항비만 효과 연구) / 신재훈, 2016, (지도교수 : 성제경)
ㆍ Molecular biological characteristic and differential diagnostic investigation of Brucella strains(브루셀라균의 분자생물학적
     특성 분석 및 감별진단번 개발) / 김지연, 2016, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍ Bone Regeneration by Mesenchymal Stem Cell Sheets Overexpressing BMP-7 in Canine Bone Defects(개의 결손골
    모델에세 BMP-7 과발현 유도 중간엽 줄기세포 시트의 골재생 효과) / 김용선, 2016, (지도교수 : 권오경)
ㆍ Preclinical Evaluation of HY10561, a New Glucokinase Activator, as Therapeutic Drug Candidate for Type Ⅱ Diabetes
     Mellitus(제2형 당뇨병 치료제 후보물질인 포도당인산화 효소 활성제 YH10561의 전임상 평가) /
     정원휘, 2016, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍ Molecualr epidemiological and pathogenic evaluation of H5 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses isolated in Asia
    (최근 아시아 유행 H5형 조류인플엔자 바이러스의 분자역학적 분석 및 병원성 연구) / 이은경, 2016, (지도교수 : 김재홍)
ㆍ Study for the mechanism underlying spinal astrocyte sigma-1 receptor-mediated G1uN1 phosphorylation in the
     development of neuropathic pain(척수 별아교세포 sigma-1 수용체를 통한 G1uN1 인산화 조절이 신경병증성 통증 형성에
    미치는 영향) / 최스란, 2016, (지도교수 : 이장헌)
ㆍ Anti-inflammatory mechanisms of human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells on atopic dermatitis
    and rheumatoid arthritis(아토피 피부염과 류마티스 관절염에 대한 인간 제대혈 유래 중간엽 줄기세포의 항염증 기전) /
     신태훈, 2016, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍ Pathology and Etiology of Marine Mammals causing Sudden Death in Republic of Korea(국내 해양포유동물
    폐사의 병인론과 병리학) / 이기찬, 2016, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍ Anti-cancer mechanisms of MICA nanoparticle or PDE4D inhibitor in human cancer cells(암세포에서 MICA 나노입자와
     PDE4D 억제제의 종양 억제 연구)/ 강태욱, 2016, (지도교수 : 강경선)


ㆍ Antineoplastic Effects of Doxazosin on Human Ovarian Cancer by Inhibiting JAK/STAT Phosphorylation and
    VEGFR-2/Akt/mTOR Signaling Pathways(JAK/STAT 인산화 및 VEGFR-2/Akt/mTOR 신호전달 억제를 통한 독사조신의
    난소암 억제 기전 규명) / 박미선, 2015, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍ Effect of Bottle Height and Vacuum Level on Fluid Dynamics during Phacoemulsification in Normal Canine Eyes
    Ex Vivo(정상 개의 적출 안구에서 수정체초음파유화술 시 관류액 높이와 진공 흡입력이 유체역학에 미치는 영향) /
    강선미, 2015, (지도교수 : 서강문)
ㆍ Anti-inflammatory effects of galangin and ethanolic extract of Sargassum horneri on lipopolysaccharide-induced
     macrophage activation via NF-κB pathway regulation(Lipopolysaccharide로 유도된 대식세포 에서 galangin과
    Sargassum horneri 에탄올 추출물의 NF-κB 신호전달 조절을 통한 항염증 효과) / 정윤찬, 2015, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍ Effects on proliferation and multi-lineage differentiation of adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells engineered
     with Oct4 and Sox2 (Oct4와 Sox2의 과발현이 지방유래 중간엽줄기에포의 증식 및 다배엽성 분화능에 미치는 영향) /
    한세명, 2015, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍ Selection of target genes and production of transgenic pigs for xenotransplantation
    (이종이식을 위한 유전자 선정 및 형질전환 돼지 생산) / 조범래, 2015, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍ "Anti-tumor effects of canine and human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells in a xenograft mouse model
     for melanoma (흑생종 이종이식 마우스모델에서 개와 사람의 지방유래 중간엽줄기세포의 항암효과)" /
    안진옥, 2015, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍ Genetic modified pig production with combination of various gene modulating technologies
    (다양한 유전자 조절기술을 이용한 형질전환돼지의 생산) / 문준호, 2015, (지도교수 : 장구)
ㆍ The role of sigma-1 receptor of spinal astrocyte in the development of mechanical allodynia by peripheral nerve injury
    (말초 신경손상으로 유도되는 물리적 이질통 형성에 대한 척수 별아교세포 내 sigma-1 수용체의 역할) /
    문지영, 2015, (지도교수 : 이장헌)
ㆍ The role of TRIF and RIP2 and Inhibitory effect of Mycobacterium tuberculosis derived Heat shock protein 70 on
     Development of Allergic Airway Inflammation(알러지성 기도 염증 발생에서 TRIF과 RIP2의 역할 및 결핵균 유래 열충격단백질
     70의 억제 효과) / 김태현, 2015, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍ Amelioration mechanisms of neurodegenerative process in Niemann-Pick disease type C1(니만-픽크 C1형 질환에서
     신경 퇴행성 변화의 완화 기전) / 서유진, 2015, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍ Analysis of immunological effects of a non-specific immunostimulator, germanium biotite(비특이 면역증강제인
     게르마늄 흑운모의 면역증진효과 분석) / 정명환, 2015, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍ Evaluation of dependence liability of emerging psychoactive substances(오남용 우려약물 및 신종유사마약류의 의존성 평가) /
     차혜진, 2015, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍ Molecular genetic diversity of two Artiodactyl species: Wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Asia and the long-tailed goral
    (Naemorhedus caudatus) in South Korea(우제목 두 종의 유전자 다양성 연구: 아시아의 멧돼지와 한국의 산양) /
     최성경, 2015, (지도교수 : 이항)
ㆍ Epidural of Factors Influencing Epidural Anesthesia in Dogs(개의 경막외마취에 영향을 미치는 인자의 평가) /
     손원균, 2015, (지도교수 : 이인형)
ㆍ In Vitro and In Vivo Toxicity Mechanisms of ZnO and TiO2 Nanoparticles(산화 아연 및 이산화티타늄 나노입자의 독성학적
     기전연구)/ 유경남, 2015, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍ Sprague Dawley 랫드에서 Zinc oxide 나노물질의 표면처리에 따른 독성에 관한 연구 / 박학수, 2015, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍ Arsenic-induced Toxicity in vitro and In vivo(세포 및 생체에서의 비소 독성) / 김수희, 2015, (지도교수 : 류덕영)
ㆍ Protective mechanism against high fat diet-induced fatty liver disease in AHNAK knock-out mice(AHNAK 유전자 결핍
     마우스에서 고지방 식이에 의해 유도되는 지방간 발생 억제 연구) / 김요나, 2015, (지도교수 : 성제경)
ㆍ Functional characterization of two polymorphic variants of human cytochrome P450 1A1 using recombinant
     protein expression(유전적 다형성에 의한 human cytochrome P450 1A1변이형의 기능 분석 /
    이승헌, 2015, (지도교수 : 류덕영)
ㆍ Effects of surface-modified gold nanoparticles on cell viability and osteogenic differentiation(표면 변형된 금 나노 입자의
     세포 생존도 및 골분화에 대한 작용)/ 최선영, 2015, (지도교수 : 이소영)
ㆍ Seroprevalence of five bovine arboviruses and development of inactivated trivalent vaccine for Aino, Akabane and
    Chuzan viruses in Korea(소 아보바이러스 5종의 유병률 및 아이노, 아까바네, 츄잔바이러스 3종 불활화 혼합백신 개발 /
    김연희, 2015, (지도교수 : 박세창)
ㆍ Functional study of FCHo1: a novel regulator of mitotic midbody function(세포 분열 중앙체의 새로운 조절자로서의
     FCHo1 기능 연구) / 박성진, 2015, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍ Effect of caffeine on amyloid precursor protein and sortilin-related receptor in zebrafish Danio rerio model /
    압델카덜타멀사이드, 2015, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍ Effects of high fat diet on hippocampal plasticity in relation with aging and exercise(해마에서 고지방식이와 노화 및
    유산소 운동이 신경가소성에 미치는 영향) / 남성민, 2015, (지도교수 : 윤여성)
ㆍ Lung Cancer Gene Therapy by Targeting ER-Golgi Subcellular Organelle Proteins(ER-Golgi 세포 소기관 단백질을
     타겟으로한 폐암의 유전자 치료) / 홍성호, 2015, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍ Interaction of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus and Porcine Circo virus Type 2(돼지 생식기 호흡기
     증후군 바이러스와 돼지 써코 바이러스 2형의 상호작용 연구) / 박창훈, 2015, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍ Effects of entacapone, a dopamine modulator, on hippocampal neurogenesis(도파민 조절물질인 entacapone이 해마의
    신경세포 재생에 미치는 영향) / 유대영, 2015, (지도교수 : 황인구)
ㆍ Pathogenesis of Highly Pathogenic Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus /
    도두이티엔, 2015, (지도교수 : 채찬희)


ㆍCharacterization of antibiotic resistance and pathotypes of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli isolates in Korea /
    정용운, 2014, (지도교수 : 김재홍)
ㆍOxygen tension and antioxidants on development of porcine in vitro produced embryos /
    강정택, 2014, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍApplication of central corneal thickness for the diagnosis of canine glaucoma / 박영우, 2014, (지도교수 : 서강문)
ㆍFeasibility study of sub-tenon’s anesthesia for phacoemulsification in dogs / 안재상, 2014, (지도교수 : 서강문)
ㆍSafety evaluation of nanocalcium based on physicochemical characteristics / 조현선, 2014, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍCraniometric and molecular genetic characteristics of the Korean water deer, Hydropotes inermis argyropus /
    김영건, 2014, (지도교수 : Kimura Junpei)
ㆍEvaluation of porcine circovirus type 2 vaccine based on clinical, virological, immunological and
    pathological analyses / 서휘원, 2014, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍThe roles of CD137 in mouse atherosclerosis / 정인혁, 2014, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍThe roles of E-cadherin, Smad4, and p53 in the development and metastasis of gastric cancer using mouse
    gastric cancer model / 박준원, 2014, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍThe epidemiological and evolutionary dynamics of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus /
    지압, 2014, (지도교수 : 박봉균)
ㆍThe role of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 2 on the immunomodulatory function of mesenchymal
    stem cells in mouse colitis model / 김형식, 2014, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍGenomic research of bacteriophage and bacteriophage therapy against Aeromonas hydrophila and
    Vibrio parahaemolyticus / 전진우, 2014, (지도교수 : 박세창)
ㆍProduction of transgenic dogs carrying human phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and amyloid precursor protein
    gene by nuclear transfer / 정연우, 2014, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍThe prevalence of Bartonella species and characterization of B. henselae outer membrane protein 43 /
     강준구, 2014, (지도교수 : 채준석)
ㆍAnalysis of phenotypic characteristics in cloned dogs derived from the same cell donor / 김건아, 2014,
    (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍRole of Toll-like receptor 2 and 4 in host immune response against Acinetobacter baumannii /
    김창환, 2014, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍAntiviral activities of hedera helix containing hederasaponin B and Phyllanthus urinaria containing corilagin
    against enterovirus infections / 여상구, 2014, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍThe therapeutic effects of protease-defective S478A of tissue plasminogen activator and pyruvate in rat brain
    ischemia model / 이정선, 2014, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍCarcinogenicity Study of Indian Madder Color by 104-Week Gavage Exposure in F344 Rats /
    강민수, 2013, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍBone Healing and Regeneration Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Dogs with Bone Defects /
    강병재, 2013, (지도교수 : 권오경)
ㆍDevelopment of Transgenic Pigs for Microencapsulated Xeno-islet / 박솔지, 2013, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍThe Roles of Connexin32 on cell Proliferation during Gastric Carcinogenesis / 지향, 2013, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍCharacterization of Bovine Mastitic Milk Quality and the Related Pathogens in Korea / 박영경, 2013, (지도교수 : 박봉균)
ㆍImmune Responses and Early Transcriptional Profiles of Murine Macrophage Following Brucella abortus
    Internalization-defective Mutant Infection / 차승빈, 2013, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍ(The) Role of Spinal N-methyl-D-asparate Receptor Phosphorylation and Astrocyte in Bee Venom-induced
    Antinociceptive Effect / 강석윤, 2013, (지도교수 : 이장헌)
ㆍIsolation and Characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Dogs, Horses and Deers /
    서민수, 2013, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍAnalysis of Genetic Determinants for Quinolone and Tetracycline Resistance in Motile Aeromonas spp. /
    한지은, 2013, (지도교수 : 박세창)
ㆍFin Explant Culture and Transfection in the Goldfish Carassius auratus, Caudal Fin Derived Somatic Fibroblasts
    Cells / Casiano Hermopia Jr. Choresca, 2013, (지도교수 : 박세창)
ㆍAntimicrobial Resistance, Virulence and Transmission of Enterococci Isolated from Humans and Animals /
    권가희, 2013, (지도교수 : 박봉균)
ㆍPathogenesis of an European (Type I) Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus /
    한기원, 2013, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍEnhanced Gene Therapy of Lung and Liver Cancer by Controlling Autophagy and Apoptosis /
    신지영, 2013, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍ(The) Role of IL-1 and MyD88 Signal for Protective Immunity against Pathogenic Bacteria Infection /
     양형준, 2013, (지도교수 : 성제경)
ㆍImprovement of Dog Cloning Efficiency and Production of Conditional Transgenic Dogs / 김민정, 2013, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍEffects of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius Enterotoxin Type C on Canine Atopic Dermatitis /
    남의화, 2013, (지도교수 : 황철용)
ㆍCharacterization of Recombinants with Low Pathogenic and Highly Productive Gene Segments of Avian
    Influenza Viruses / 김일환, 2013, (지도교수 : 김재홍)
ㆍStudies on the Treatment, Prevention and Phylogenetic Characterization of Thelohanellus kitauei and
    Philasterides dicentrarchi / 신상필, 2013, (지도교수 : 박세창)
ㆍEvaluation of Different Vaccination Protocols against Porcine Circovirus Type 2 Based on Virological,
    Immunological and Pathological Parameters / 오연수, 2013, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍMolecular Biological Characterization and Vaccine Developments for the Major Subtypes of Avian Influenza
    Virus in Korea / 최준구, 2013, (지도교수 : 김재홍)
ㆍRegulation of Stemness and Aging in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells / 유경록, 2013, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍToxicological Evaluation on Tank Mixing and Operator Risk Assessment of Highly Toxic Pesticides /
    유아선, 2012, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍAnti-nociceptive and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Novel TRPV1 Antagonists and Anti-pruritic Effects of TRPV1 Agonist /
    최진규, 2012, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍ(The) Roles of Peroxiredoxin-2 in Mouse Atherosclerosis Model / 박종길, 2012, (지도교수 : 이항)
ㆍToxicity and Clearance Study of Silver Nanoparticles in Rats / 김용순, 2012, (지도교수 : 황인구)
ㆍDevelopment of Modified Embryonic Stem Cell Test for Screening of Developmental Neurotoxicants /
    백대현, 2012, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍMolecular Mechanisms of Therapeutic Effect by Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Canine Spinal Cord Injury /
    박성수, 2012, (지도교수 : 권오경)
ㆍIsolation, Characterization and Pathogenesis of Bartonella grahamii in Korea / 고성진, 2012, (지도교수 : 채준석)
ㆍPulmonary and Systemic Toxicity Study of Magnetic Nanoparticles and Silver Nanoparticles /
    권정택, 2012, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍMolecular Genetic Characterization of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Viruses (PEDV) / 박성준, 2012, (지도교수 : 박봉균)
ㆍRecent Epidemiological Characterization of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Viruses (PRRSV) in Korea
    Based on Nation-wide, Regional and Individual Swine Farm Investigation / 김혜권, 2012, (지도교수 : 박봉균)
ㆍEstablishment of Toxicity Paradigm of Manufactured Nanoparticles / 박영찬, 2012, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍEpigenetic Regulation of Senescence in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells / 이승희, 2012, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍEvaluation of Subantimicrobial Dose of Oral Coxycycline for the Treatment of Periodontitis in Dogs /
    김세은, 2012, (지도교수 : 서강문)
ㆍTemporal Interplay between the Genes that Control Interferon tau Expression in Early In Vitro Fertilization- and Nuclear
    Transfer-derived Bovine Embryos / Islam Mohamed Saad Eldin Mohamed, 2012, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍImmune Stimulating Activities of Thiolated Eudragit Microspheres Loaded with F4 or F18 Fimbriae of Enterotoxigenic
    Escherichia coli and Analysis of Helicase Gene of Swine Hepatitis E Virus / 이원정, 2012, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍAnalysis of apxIVA Gene of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Korean Isolates and Immunogenicity of Saccharomyces
    cerevisiae Expressing apxIA and apxIIA Genes by Oral Administration / 신민경, 2012, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍDevelopment of Anti-lung and ?breast Cancer Therapeutic Strategy Using O-Glycosylation Mutant and siRNA of
    Osteopontin / Minai-Tehrani Arash, 2012, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍDevelopment of Alternative Control Methods Using Bacteriophages against Antibiotic-resistant Aeromonas salmonicida
    Infections in Korean Salmonid Fish / 김지형, 2012, (지도교수 : 박세창)
ㆍModulation of Self-renewal and Differentiation Capability in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells /
    박상범, 2012, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍPreclinical Studies on an Aminostyrylbenzofuran Derivative (KMS88009) as a Therapeutic Agent for Alzheimers
    Disease / 이상현, 2011, (지도교수 : 이문한)
ㆍ(The) Roles of Transplanted Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Injured Canine Spinal Cord / 류학현, 2011, (지도교수 : 권오경)
ㆍDifferential Gene Expression in Local Lymph Nodes Draining Ear Skin Exposed to Sensitizers and Irritants /
    구현옥, 2011, (지도교수 : 류덕영)
ㆍMyD88 Signal for the Induction of Protective Immunity in Mice Infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae or
    Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium / 박성무, 2011, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍApplication and differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell / 유미현, 2011, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍ(The) Immunomodulatory Properties of Mesenchymal Stem Cell / 강정원, 2011, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍ(The) Molecular Mechanisms of c-MYC and REX1 for Proliferation and Differentiation in Adult Stem Cells /
    Dilli Ram Bhandari, 2011, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍImprovement of Canine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer and Analysis of Postnatal Characteristics in Cloned Dogs /
    박정은, 2011, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍPrevalence of the Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus intermedius Group Isolates from the Veterinary Hospitals in
    Korea and Their Genetic Characterization / 윤정호, 2011, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍPrevalence and Diagnostic Method of Porcine Circovirus-2 (PCV-2) Genotypes and Comparative Efficacy of PCV-2
     Vaccines / 김두열, 2011, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍTNF-alpha and Myeloperoxidase Mediated Host Immune Response in Pigs Experimentally Infected with
    Swine Influenza A Virus Subtype H1N2 / 김봉태, 2011, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍExpression of Mucins in Lung by Porcine Pathogens / 김충현, 2011, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍStudy for Establishment of Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Using Interspecies Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer in Rhesus
    Monkey / 권대기, 2011, (지도교수 : 이병천) (비공개)
ㆍPathogenesis of Human Influenza A (H1N1) Virus in Mammalian Models / 권동혁, 2011, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍEcological and Genetic Characteristics of the Korean Water Deer (Hydropotes inermis argyropus) in South Korea /
    김백준, 2011, (지도교수 : 이항)
ㆍA proposal for the Improvement of the Effective Licensing, Certification, Manufacture and Production of Cell
    Therapeutics : Focused on Adult Stem Cell / 이강우, 2010, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍA Comparative Pathology of Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis in Rodent Obesity Models / 하승권, 2010, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍAnti-proliferative Effect of Voltage-gated K+ Channel Blockers in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells /
    장수화, 2010, (지도교수 : 이소영) (비공개)
ㆍAntibiotic Resistance and Virulence Determinants of Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis Isolates
    from Animals in Korea / 황인영, 2010, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍCharacterization of Florfenicol and Beta-lactam Resistance in Enterobacteriaceae Isolated from Farm Animals /
    라예마지 너빈, 2010, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍDetermination of Pre-dose Innate Genetic Markers in Blood and Liver Tissue for Prediction on Individual
    Variation of Susceptibility in Hepatotoxicity / 윤준원, 2010, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍEstablishment of the Single, Double, and Multiple PCR for the Detection of the Porcine Endogenous Retrovirus /
    문형준, 2010, (지도교수 : 박봉균)
ㆍField Application of Superovulation and Embryo Transfer in Holstein Cattle of Korea / 이원유, 2010, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍGenetic & Physioanatomical Analysis and Establishment of SLA Homozygote Inbred Line Using the SNU
    Miniature Pig / 염수청, 2010, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍGenetic Diversity of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus from Swine Farms in Korea and
    Immunogenicity Analysis of Inactivated Vaccine / 김현일, 2010, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍHigh Affinity RNA Aptamers to Inhibit Porcine Circovirus Type 2(PCV2) Replication in vitro and Genomic Profiles in
    PCV2 Infected Lymph Nodes / 윤소라, 2010, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍLung Cancer Gene Therapy Using Aerosol Delivery / 황순경, 2010, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍMolecular and Epidemiological Analysis of Brucella abortus Isolates in Korea / 허문, 2010, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍMolecular Characterization of Canine S100A8 and Relationship with Disease Severity in Atopic Dermatitis /
    정태호, 2010, (지도교수 : 황철용)
ㆍMolecular Epidemiology, Pathology and Passive Immunity of Korean Very Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease and the
    Development of a Diagnostic Antigen / 전우진, 2010, (지도교수 : 윤여성)
ㆍMolecular Genetic Characteristics of Highly Pathogenic and Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses Isolated in
    Korea from 2008 to 2009 / 김혜령, 2010, (지도교수 : 이문한)
ㆍMolecular Mechanisms of Adipogenesis in Human Adipose Tissue-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells /
    박정란, 2010, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍPathogenesis of Porcine Circovirus-2 Transmission from Sow to Piglet / 하윤철, 2010, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍPathogenesis of Swine Hepatitis E Virus Infection in Pigs / 이용훈, 2010, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍProtective Mechanisms against Anthrax Toxin-induced Cytotoxicity / 허경행, 2010, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍThe Animal Model Establishment of Thrombus-induced Ischemic Pain and Peripheral Pain Mechanism Study /
    서형식, 2010, (지도교수 : 이장헌)
ㆍThe Distribution and Transferability of Superantigen Genes among the Staphylococcus aureus Strains /
    황선영, 2010, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍThe Effects of Zebrafish Embryo Proteins on the Spheroid Cells and Cancer Cell Metastatic Ability of Human
    Malignant Melanoma Cells / 나이랑, 2010, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍFactors Affecting Embryo Production and Pregnancy Rates in Bovine Embryo Transfer / 류일선, 2009, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍAssociation Studies of Endometriosis Risk and Genetic Polymorphisms Involving Detoxification Enzyme /
    윤진국, 2009, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍAntitumor Effects of Canine Adipose Tissue-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Based IFN-beta Gene Therapy and
    Cisplatin in a Mouse Melanoma Model / 서경원, 2009, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍApplication of Transgenic Zebrafish for the Detection of Xenoestrogens / 김동재, 2009, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍCharacterization of Stress Hormone Receptors in Paraventricular Nucleus, Anterior Hypothalamic Area and Zona
    Incerta / 신승엽, 2009, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍComputed Tomographic Evaluation of Glomerular Filtration Rate Using Patlak Analysis in Normal Dogs and Canine
    Renal Artery Stenosis Model / 장진화, 2009, (지도교수 : 최민철)
ㆍ(The) Control Mechanism of Chronic Neuropathic Pain via Spinal Modulation of N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor
    Phosphorylation / 노대현, 2009, (지도교수 : 이장헌)
ㆍEpigenetic Regulation of Liver Specific Genes in the Mouse and Its Importance in Environmental Health /
    진보환, 2009, (지도교수 : 류덕영)
ㆍ(The) Mydriatic and Analgesic Effects of Intracameral Lidocaine for Phacoemulsification in Dogs /
    박신애, 2009, (지도교수 : 서강문)
ㆍParacrine Effect of Canine Allogenic Umbilical Cord Blood-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Mixed with Beta-tricalcium
    Phosphate on Bone Regeneration in Orthotopic and Ectopic Implantations / 변예은, 2009, (지도교수 : 권오경)
ㆍPathogenesis of Pneumonic Pasteurellosis in Pigs Naturally Infected with Toxigenic Pasteurella multocida /
    안경규, 2009, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍPhylogeography and Population Genetic Structure of Siberian Flying Squirrels, Eurasian Red Squirrels, and
    Siberian Chipmunks from Northern Eurasia / 이무영, 2009, (지도교수 : 이항)
ㆍProduction of Transgenic Dogs Using Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer / 홍소군, 2009, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍRegulatory Mechanism of Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) Axis and Neuronal Changes after Adrenalectomy
    in Type 2 Diabetes / 이순신, 2009, (지도교수 : 윤여성)
ㆍ(The) Role of Ahnak on Adipogenesis and Osteogenesis / 김일용, 2009, (지도교수 : 성제경)
ㆍRole of Vitamin D3 Up-regulated Protein 1 (VDUP1) in Hepatic and Gastric Carcinogenesis /
    권효정, 2009, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍTransgenic Cloned Pig Production by Optimization of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer and Embryo Transfer Protocols /
    구옥재, 2009, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍAge-related Immunohistochemical Studies on Main Olfactory Bulb in Dogs / 최정훈, 2008, (지도교수 : 이인세)
ㆍAnti-White Spot Syndrome Viral Activity of Ethanol Extracts from Artemisia japonica and Saururus chinensis in
    Shrimp / 오화균, 2008, (지도교수 : 윤희정)
ㆍCharacteristics of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Animals in Korea /
    권남훈, 2008, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍClinical, Electrophysiological and Molecular Genetic Characteristics of Progressive Retinal Atrophy in
    Miniature Schnauzers / 정만복, 2008, (지도교수 : 서강문)
ㆍCloning Efficiency in Pigs by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer / 송길영, 2008, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍExpression of Cytokines, Chemokines, CTLA4 and CRP in Blood from Dogs with Atopic Dermatitis /
    방동하, 2008, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍGene Therapy Using the Dog β-Nerve Growth Factor in Dogs with Pyridoxine-Induced Neuropathy /
    정진영, 2008, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍGenetic Analysis and Pathogenicity of Parvoviruses and Rotavirus Isolated from Dogs in Korea /
    강보규, 2008, (지도교수 : 박봉균)
ㆍImmunohistochemical Studies on Phosphorylated Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase 1/2 in the
    Aged Gerbil Hippocampus Following Ischemia/Reperfusion / 이충현, 2008, (지도교수 : 이인세)
ㆍInduction of Mucosal Immune Responses by Bordetella bronchiseptica Antigens Using Delivery Systems
    Based on Chitosan Microspheres / 강미란, 2008, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍMechanism of Action of Novel Small Molecules Promoting Cardiomyogenesis of Embryonic Stem Cells /
    오세웅, 2008, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍMechanism of Visceral Hypersensitivity and Reduced Colonic Motility in Type 2 Diabetic Rats /
    성태식, 2008, (지도교수 : 양일석)
ㆍMolecular Basis of the Chemopreventive Effects of Chinese Cabbage Extracts and It's Active Compounds,
    Sulforaphane and Indole-3-carbinol in Rat Liver Epithelial Cells / 황재웅, 2008, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍMolecular Mechanisms of Self-renweal and Differntiation of Neural Stem Cells in Niemann-Pick Type C1 Gene
    Knock-out Mice / 김선중, 2008, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍA Tailor-Made Newcastle Disease Vaccine against the Contemporary Viruses Using Reverse Genetics /
    조선희, 2007, (지도교수 : 김선중)
ㆍCharacteristics of Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci(VRE) Isolated from Animal and Human in Korea /
    정우경, 2007, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍComparison of Iodothyronine Deiodinase 3 mRNA Expression in Peripheral Blood Cells of Dogs with Hypothyroid
    State and Euthyroid Sick Syndrome / 배보경, 2007, (지도교수 : 이창우)
ㆍDevelopment of Protocols for In Vitro Maturation and for Recovery of In Vivo Mature Canine Oocytes /
    모하메드, 2007, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍDevelopment of Transgenic Zebrafish for Detecting Environmental Pollutants / 석승혁, 2007, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍDifferentially Expressed Genes in the Omentum by Gauze-Induced Canine Peritonitis / 라흐만, 2007, (지도교수 : 권오경)
ㆍEffects of Inorganic Phosphate on the Development of Brain and Lung, and Lung Cancer Progression in
    Mice / Jin Hua, 2007, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍEstablishment of Cell Lines Stably Expressing Exogenous Bovine Prion Protein and Suppression of Endogenous
    Prion Protein by Lentivector-Mediated shRNA / 강상균, 2007, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍGABAergic Transmission in the Neurosecretory Neurons of the Paraventricular Nucleus / 양젠화, 2007, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍGenetic Diversity of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus from Swine Farms in Korea and
    Elimination of the Virus from an Integrated Breeding Operation / 양정선, 2007, (지도교수 : 박봉균)
ㆍLactobacillus Improves Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Obesity in High Fat Diet-induced Obese Mice /
    이희영, 2007, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍMolecular Characterization of Duck Hepatitis Virus and Establishment of a Live Vaccine Candidate /
    김민철, 2007, (지도교수 : 김선중)
ㆍMulti-potential Differentiation Ability and Regulation of Embryonic Stem Cell-like Stem Cells Derived from
    Human Umbilical Cord Blood / Sun Bo, 2007, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍPhylogenetic Characteristics of Novel Helicobacter Species Isolated from Korean Wild Mouse (Mus musculus
    molossinus) and Common Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) / 원영석, 2007, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍPrevalence and Antibiotic Resistance of Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli Isolated in Korea and Specific Detection
    by ELISA Using Monoclonal Antibody against CadF Protein / 김준만, 2007, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍPrevalence, Antibiogram and Quantification of Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli in Raw Meats /
    홍준배, 2007, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍSeroprevalence of Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H9N2) and Associated Risk Factors in Gyeonggi Province of
    South Korea during 2005-2006 / 우종태, 2007, (지도교수 : 박봉균)
ㆍStudies on the Evaluation of Anti-neosporal Efficacy from Medicinal Herbs / 서흔수, 2007, (지도교수 : 윤희정)
ㆍThe Mechanism of Spinal Neuronal Modulation in Peripheral Inflammation / 윤서연, 2007, (지도교수 : 이장헌)
ㆍ(A) Study on Cellular Uptake and Toxicity of Silica-coated Magnetic Nanoparticles / 김준성, 2006, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍ(The) Role of Spinal Sigma-1 Receptor in Pain Sensation Via the Phosphorylation of N-methyl-D-aspartate
    Receptor Subunit 1 / 김현우, 2006, (지도교수 : 이장헌)
ㆍContingency System Using Web Based Geographic Information System for Infectious Animal Disease /
    이은섭, 2006, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍPolymorphism of MHC Class II Genes in Jindo Dogs / 제갈준, 2006, (지도교수 : 이창우)
ㆍAnatomical and Immunohistochemical Studies on the Vomeronasal Organ in the Korean Native Goat (Capra hircus) /
    최윤주, 2006, (지도교수 : 이흥식)
ㆍAntiproliferative Effect of Licorice Root, an Oligomeric Formulation of Catechins and Sulforaphane in Human
    Breast Cancer Cells, and Underlying Molecular Mechanisms / 조은혜, 2006, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍApplication of Toxicogenomics for Risk Assessment of Hepatotoxicants / 박준석, 2006, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍBioactivity Assessment of the Recombinant Canine CTLA4Ig Protein in Canine Autoimmune Thyroiditis Model /
    신일섭, 2006, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍClinicopathological and Immunological Characteristics of Thoroughbred Horses with Streptococcal Infectious
    Upper Respiratory Disease at the Seoul Race Park / 유승호, 2006, (지도교수 : 이창우)
ㆍComputed Tomographic Features in Normal Pancreas and Experimental Acute Pancreatitis in Dogs /
    최지혜, 2006, (지도교수 : 윤정희)
ㆍCT Pulmonary Angiography for Pulmonary Embolism in Experimental Model and Heartworm Infested Dogs /
    정주현, 2006, (지도교수 : 최민철)
ㆍDevelopment and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers for Endangered Korean Goral (Nemorhaedus
    caudatus raddeanus) and Its Molecular Phylogenetic Status / 안정화, 2006, (지도교수 : 이항)
ㆍDevelopment of a Culture System for In Vitro Produced Porcine Embryos and Establishment of Transgenic Cloned
    Porcine Embryonic Stem Cells / 김수, 2006, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍDevelopment of Oral Delivery System Using Lactic Acid Bacteria / 이덕용, 2006, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍDiagnosis and Pathogenesis of Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome / 김정현, 2006, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍDissemination of Clonal Strains of Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter jejuni Resistant to Multiple
    Antimicrobial Drugs among Cattle / 배원기, 2006, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍEffect of Glycerol Concentration in a Freezing Medium and Thawing Temperature on the In Vitro Viability
    and In Vivo Fertilizability of Canine Spermatozoa / 김혜진, 2006, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍEstablishment of an Efficient Embryo Culture and Cryopreservation System for the Production of Calves /
    임광택, 2006, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍEvaluation of the Motility of Silicone Orbital Implant after Evisceration with Sclerotomy in Dogs /
    이나영, 2006, (지도교수 : 서강문)
ㆍFunctional Study of Galectin-3 with Novel Anti-galectin-3 Monoclonal Antibodies / 강해은, 2006, (지도교수 : 우희종)
ㆍGene Expression of Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Embryos and Production of Transgenic or Non-transgenic
    Cloned Calves and Puppies / 장구, 2006, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍIn Vitro Oocyte Maturation and Intergeneric Somatic Cell Cloning in Dogs / Fibrianto Yuda Heru, 2006, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍMolecular Mechanisms of the Self Renewal and Differentitation of Human Breast Epithelial Stem Cells /
    안남식, 2006, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍPrevalence, Characterization and Pathogenicity of Enterococci of Poultry Origin in Korea /
    Basnet Hom Bahadur, 2006, (지도교수 : 김선중)
ㆍQuantitative Electroencephalographic Evaluation of Acupuncture-induced Sedation in Dogs /
    김민수, 2006, (지도교수 : 남치주)
ㆍSignaling Pathways Involved in Cadmium-Induced Neuronal Cell Death / 김선돈, 2006, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍStudies on Interspecies Cloning and In Vitro Embryo Production / Hashem Md Abul, 2006, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍTreatment of Canine Spinal Cord Injury Using Allogenic Umbilical Cord Blood-derived Multipotent Stem Cells /
    임지혜, 2006, (지도교수 : 권오경)
ㆍThermographic Evaluation with Healing Process of Musculoskeletal Disease in Horses / 양영진, 2005, (지도교수 : 남치주)
ㆍStudies on Analgesic Effects of Novel Synthetic Vanilloid Receptor 1 Antagonists / 김점용, 2005, (지도교수 : 양일석)
ㆍStudies on Anti-inflammatory and Anti-nociceptive Efficacy of a Novel Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitor (CJ-11668) /
    김영훈, 2005, (지도교수 : 양일석)
ㆍRisk Analysis and Efficient Control Measures on Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in the Republic of Kore /
    김태융, 2005, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍDevelopment of Immunoassays for the Determination of Aminoglycoside Residues in Animal Plasma and Milk /
    김용, 2005, (지도교수 : 이문한)
ㆍEvaluation of Ki67, PCNA, p53 Immunocytochemistry in Diff-Quik Stained Aspirate Smears of Canine Mammary
    Gland Tumors as Predictors of Malignancy and Prognosis / 최을수, 2005, (지도교수 : 이창우)
ㆍEffects of Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitor on Erectile Dysfunction Induced by Diabetes and Selective Serotonin
    Reuptake Inhibitors in Rats / 안국준, 2005, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍHemodynamic Effects of Vasopressin on Hemorrhagic Shock in Dogs / 유종현, 2005, (지도교수 : 한홍율)
ㆍMolecular Basis of the Anti-cancer Effects of Sodium Butyrate on Rat Liver Epithelial Cells /
    정지원, 2005, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍMolecular Basis of the Chemopreventive Effects of Selenium, Sulforaphane, and Sodium Butyrate in Prostate Cancer /
    조성대, 2005, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍMolecular Mechanisms of Differentiation in Rat Neural Stem Cells / 양세란, 2005, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍPathogenesis of Mouse Gastritis and Immune Responses in Human Gastric Epithelial Cells Induced by Listeria
    monocytogenes / 박종환, 2005, (지도교수 : 박재학)
ㆍPathogenesis of Swine Influenza Virus Subtype HIN2 / 정권일, 2005, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍPhenotypic and Genetic Differences between Listeria monocytogenes Epidemic and Environmental Strains /
    김소현, 2005, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍSupraspinal Mechanism of the Sympathetic Nervous System Overactivity in Myocardial Infarction-induced
    Heart Failure Rat / 이기호, 2005, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍTransgenic Cloned Pigs Expressing Human Decay Accelerating Factor and Gene Expression Profiling in
    Elongating Conceptus / 이소현, 2005, (지도교수 : 황우석)
ㆍ(The) Roles of luxSsmcR Quorum-sensing on Pathogenesis in Vibrio vulnificus / 신나리, 2004, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍPathologic and Cellular Immunologic Studies of Enzootic Bovine Leukosis / 윤순식, 2004, (지도교수 : 한홍율)
ㆍCharacteristics and Protectivity of a Cell Culture Attenuated Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus /
    송대섭, 2004, (지도교수 : 박봉균)
ㆍDevelopment of Culture Systems for In Vitro Produced Porcine Embryos and Embryonic Stem-like Cells /
    김혜수, 2004, (지도교수 : 황우석)
ㆍEfficacy Evaluation of Retinol and Anti-irritant Development Based on the Irritation-related Mechanism /
    김배환, 2004, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍEndocrine Modulatory Effects of Butylated Hydroxyanisole and Chlorpyrifos-methyl in Rats /
    강환구, 2004, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍEstablishment of Tiger Intergeneric Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer / 김정태, 2004, (지도교수 : 황우석)
ㆍExpression of COX-2 and iNOS in Swine Infected with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae / 조완섭, 2004, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍGene Therapy with Canine Short-chained Proinsulin and Canine L-type Pyruvate Kinase Promoter in Diabetic Mice /
    김성호, 2004, (지도교수 : 윤화영)
ㆍImmune Responses to Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis Antigens in Cattle with Different Shedding Levels
    and Development of Diagnostic Methods of Johne's Disease / 신성재, 2004, (지도교수 : 유한상)
ㆍImmuno-diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculosis and Paratuberculosis / 구혜정, 2004, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍModification of Orexin-A and Neuropeptide Y Expression in the Hypothalamus of Induced and Spontaneous Obese
    Rats / 박은성, 2004, (지도교수 : 윤여성)
ㆍProduction of Transgenic Pigs by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Technology and Identification of Porcine Germ Cell
    Specific Genes / 이갑상, 2004, (지도교수 : 황우석)
ㆍRole of Corticotropin Releasing Factor and Nitric Oxide in Visceral Hypersensitivity and Altered Bowel Motility in a Rat
    Model of Irritable Bowel Syndrome / 나준호, 2004, (지도교수 : 양일석)
ㆍStudies on Molecular Characterization and Immunogenicity of Recombinant Protein of Japanese Encephalitis
    Virus Isolated from Pigs / 양동군, 2004, (지도교수 : 한홍율)
ㆍStudies on the Production of Bovine Transgenic Cloned Embryos by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer / Bhuiyan
    Mohammad Musharraf Uddin, 2004, (지도교수 : 황우석)
ㆍ(The) Roles of Histone Deacetylase in Human Inflammatory Diseases Using Animal Models /
    최재훈, 2003, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍBiocompatibility and Safety Evaluation of InnoPol, a Biodegradable Polymer Scaffold / 강병철, 2003, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍChemopreventive Effects of Cyclooxygenase-2 and Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibition on Helicobacter
    pylori-induced Mouse Cancer Model / 남기택, 2003, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍDevelopment of a Novel Method for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in the Pig / 용환율, 2003, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍEffect of Soluble Porcine Aminopeptidase N on Infectivity and Immunity of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus and
    Antibody Detection by Indirect Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay / 오진식, 2003, (지도교수 : 박봉균)
ㆍEfficacy of DA-8159, a New PDE 5 Inhibitor, for Inducing Penile Erection in Conscious and Spinal Cord-injured Rabbits /
    안병옥, 2003, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍEstablishment of a System for Transgenic Pig Production by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer /
    김대영, 2003, (지도교수 : 황우석)
ㆍGene Therapy with Non-viral Peptide Vector Encoding Canine CTLA4Ig Gene in Canine Systemic Lupus
    Erythematosus Model / 최은화, 2003, (지도교수 : 이창우)
ㆍLife-time Carcinogenicity of Ochratoxin A in DA and Lewis Rats / 손우찬, 2003, (지도교수 : 강경선)
ㆍMechanisms of Bee Venom Induced Anti-inflammatory Effect in the Experimental Animal Models /
    권영배, 2003, (지도교수 : 이장헌)
ㆍNoradrenergic Modulation of Inhibitory Synaptic Transmission in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus of the
    Rat / Li Longhua, 2003, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍProduction and Characterization of Cloned Pigs by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer / 현상환, 2003, (지도교수 : 황우석)
ㆍQuantification of Mitral Regurgitation Using Proximal Isovelocity Surface Area Method in Dogs /
    최호정, 2003, (지도교수 : 윤정희)
ㆍThe Pathogenesis of Classical Swine Fever Virus in Porcine Reproductive Organs / 최창순, 2003, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍAntimicrobial Susceptibility, Genotype and Antigenic Specificity of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci from Animals /
    조윤상, 2002, (지도교수 : 이문한)
ㆍDevelopment of Cancer Therapy by Gene Regulation of GM-CSF, B70, Alkaline Phosphatase and TGF-β /
    김계영, 2002, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍEffect of Electroacupuncture on Minimum Alveolar Concentration and Cardiopulmonary System under Isoflurane Anesthesia in Dogs / 정성목, 2002, (지도교수 : 남치주)
ㆍEffects of Co-treatment of 4-(N-Methyl-N-nitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone and/or Dibutyl Phthalate on
    Ozone-induced Inhalation Toxicity in B6C3F1 Mice / 김민영, 2002, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍEstablishment of a System for Transgenic Cow Production by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer /
    조종기, 2002, (지도교수 : 이병천)
ㆍMolecular Characterizaion of Fluoroquinolone Resistance in E. coli and Salmonella spp. / 김재명, 2002, (지도교수 : 이문한)
ㆍPrognostic Value of Mutations and Overexpression of p53 in Canine Mammary Tumors / 이충호, 2002, (지도교수 : 권오경)
ㆍRepair of Bone Defects Using Porous Bioceramic Implants with Bone Marrow and Cancellous Bone in Dog /
    김완희, 2002, (지도교수 : 권오경)
ㆍStudies on the Dendritic Cell Based Immunotherapy of Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in the NOD Mouse /
    도선길, 2002, (지도교수 : 이문한)
ㆍStudy of the Arterial Blood Flow Profile in a Phantom Model and Dogs by Doppler Ultrasonography /
    이기창, 2002, (지도교수 : 최민철)
ㆍThe Effect of Functional Loss of p53 in the Hepatocyte Proliferation Caused by HBx / 오승현, 2002, (지도교수 : 윤여성)
ㆍImplementation of Effective Application and Policies for HACCP System at Korean Slaughterhouses /
    김용상, 2001, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍSeroepidemiological Studies on Aino Virus Infection of Cattle in Korea and Development of Its Diagnostic Methods /
    조재진, 2001, (지도교수 : 한홍율)
ㆍFactors Affecting the Production of Cloned Calves by a Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Technology /
    김성기, 2001, (지도교수 : 황우석)
ㆍApplication of Transarterial Embolization of Renal Artery in Dogs with Experimental Hydronephrosis /
    장동우, 2001, (지도교수 : 윤정희)
ㆍClinical Studies on the Gastric Helicobacter Species Infection in Dogs and Cats / 황철용, 2001, (지도교수 : 한홍율)
ㆍColor Doppler Ultrasound Analysis of Canine Ophthalmic Circulation after Anesthetics and Antiglaucoma Drugs /
    이희천, 2001, (지도교수 : 윤정희)
ㆍEffect of Genistein and Butyl p-Hydroxydroxybenzoic Acid (Butyl Paraben) on Reproductive Organ in F1 Offspring /
    제정환, 2001, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍPathogenicity and Molecular Biological Characteristics of Korean Isolates of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus /
    이동우, 2000, (지도교수 : 김선중)
ㆍStudy of Airborne Complex Mixtures on Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication of Rat Liver Epithelial Cells /
    이병수, 2000, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍPhenotypic and Functional Characteristics of Swine T Lymphocyte Subpopulations Activated by Nonspecific
    Immunostimulator Barodon / 유병우, 2000, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍEstablishment and Diagnostic Evaluation of Radioimmunoassay to Tumor Markers for Carcinomas /
    조일상, 2000, (지도교수 : 이문한)
ㆍToxicological Study of Flupyrazofos, a New Organophosphorus Insecticide / 송시환, 2000, (지도교수 : 유판동)
ㆍImmunogenetical Characteristics of Mastitis Resistant Dairy Cattle / 주이석, 2000, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍA Study on the Alterations of Cell Cycle Control during In Vitro Two Stage Transformation and the Promotional
    Effects of Cadmium / 방명주, 2000, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍDevelopment of Live Animal Screening ELISA Test for the Tissue Residues of Penicillin, Tetracycline Antibiotics and
    Sulfamethazine in Cattle and Pigs / 이후장, 2000, (지도교수 : 이문한)
ㆍDiagnosis for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus in Pigs / 김옥진, 2000, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍEvaluation of Spinal Cord Dysfunction by the Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SEPs) in Dogs /
    이주명, 2000, (지도교수 : 남치주)
ㆍMolecular Characterization of Fusion and Hemagglutinin-neuraminidase Genes of Newcastle Disease
    Virus Isolated in Korea / 권혁준, 2000, (지도교수 : 김선중)
ㆍNoradrenergic Modulation of Inhibitory Synaptic Transmission in Paraventricular Nucleus of the Rat Hypothalamus /
    한성규, 2000, (지도교수 : 유판동)
ㆍPathogenesis and Characterization of Korean Isolates of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus /
    천두성, 2000, (지도교수 : 채찬희)
ㆍClinical Pathology of Experimentally Induced Canine Diabetes Mellitus : Comparison of Methods for Measuring
    Fructosamine and Relationship among Blood Glucose, Serum Fructosamine, and Hemoglobin A₁levels /
    김본원, 1999, (지도교수 : 이창우)
ㆍEpidemiological Studies on Salmonellosis and Characteristics of Salmonella spp. Isolated from Poultry in Korea /
    박경윤, 1999, (지도교수 : 박용호)
ㆍEffects of Nitric Oxide on the Spontaneous Motility and Electrical Activity in the Circular Smooth Muscle of Guinea
    Pig Gastric Antrum / 김태완, 1999, (지도교수 : 양일석)
ㆍAnalysis of Excretory Secretory and Crude Worm Antigen of Ascaris suum Using Monoclonal Antibody /
    홍영선, 1999, (지도교수 : 윤희정)
ㆍStudies on the Detection of Quinolones in Foods of Animal Origin / 손성완, 1999, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍCarcinogenic Effects of Dibromoacetate on Rat Colon / 소병재, 1999, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍNon-clinical Safety, Tolerability and Toxicokinetic Study of a New Gastric Acid Pump Antagonist,
    Hydrochloride / 문병석, 1999, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍMolecular Characteristics of Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus Isolates in Korea and Pathogenicity and Protectivity
     of Thymidine Kinase Gene Deleted Mutants / 한명국, 1999, (지도교수 : 김선중)
ㆍEffects of β-Carotene on Mastitis of Dairy Cows / 남향미, 1999, (지도교수 : 한홍율)
ㆍChemopreventive Effect of Tetrahydrocurcumin in a Medium-term Multiorgan Carcinogenesis Model /
    박철범, 1999, (지도교수 : 이준섭)
ㆍClinical Evaluation of Fitness in Thoroughbred Racehorses Using Treadmill Exercise Test / 김준규, 1999, (지도교수 : 한홍율)
ㆍTranscriptionally Down-regulated Genes by Clofibrate in Rat Liver / 이국경, 1999, (지도교수 : 양일석)
ㆍDevelopment of Mouse Model for Clonorchis sinensis Infection and Investigation of Immune Response /
    최양규, 1999, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍE-cadherin Expression on Human Breast Cancer Cell Line (MCF-7) by Tamoxifen / 남정석, 1999, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍRole of Metabolism in Ethyl Carbamate-induced Immunosuppression / 차신우, 1999, (지도교수 : 이문한)
ㆍEffect of the Amniotic Membrane Graft on Epithelial Healing and Haze in Rabbit Experimental Corneal Wound by
    Excimer Laser / 우흥명, 1999, (지도교수 : 권오경)
ㆍThe Morphological Studies on the Neuronal Death and Zinc Translocation of Hippocampus after Kainic
    Acid-induced Seizures in the Rat / 이종환, 1999, (지도교수 : 이흥식)
ㆍMolecular Epidemiologic Analysis of Nosocomial Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Experimental
    Therapy on Induced Infection Including Colonization in Canine Model / 박선일, 1999, (지도교수 : 한홍율)
ㆍStudies on the Potential Exploitation of Bovine Mastitis Vaccine Composed of Alpha Toxin, Capsular Polysaccharide
    and Recombinant Fibronectin Binding Protein of Staphylococcus aureus / 박희명, 1999, (지도교수 : 한홍율)
ㆍInhibition of Apoptosis and Mutational Analysis of p53 in Rat Colon Cancer Induced by 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine
    Dihydrochloride / 김달현, 1998, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍStudies on Relationships between Serum Components and Economic Traits of Hanwoo Steers /
    이성수, 1998, (지도교수 : 양일석)
ㆍBovine Neosporosis in Korea : Seroepidemiology, Pathology and Characterization of Neospora caninum Isolates /
    김재훈, 1998, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍStudies on In Vitro Production of Bovine Embryos by Oviduct Epithelial Cell Co-culture and Modification of
    Medium Composition / 노상호, 1998, (지도교수 : 황우석)
ㆍDevelopment of Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay for the Simultaneous Detection of Human
    Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Antigen and Antibody / 조영식, 1998, (지도교수 : 이문한)
ㆍImmunohistochemical Studies on the Vagal and Cranial Cervical Ganglia in the Korean Native Goat /
    강태천, 1998, (지도교수 : 이흥식)
ㆍAnatomical and Immunohistochemical Studies on the Trigeminal Ganglia in the Korean Native Goat /
    신남식, 1998, (지도교수 : 이흥식)
ㆍStudies on the Use of Computer Aided Semen Analysis (CASA) Technology for Fertility Prediction in
    Korean Native Cattle / 이강남, 1998, (지도교수 : 황우석)
ㆍDifferentiation of Oval Cell and Its Isolation in Hamsters / 윤병일, 1998, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍCellular and Molecular Characterization of Human Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines / 구자록, 1998, (지도교수 : 김대용)
ㆍElectrophysiological Studies on the Mechanism of Antimicrobial Activity of an Antibiotic Peptide, Gaegurin 4, in
    Planar Lipid Bilayers / 김희정, 1998, (지도교수 : 류판동)
ㆍInsulin-responsive Glucose Transporter and Its Possible Modulation by Glucose Transporter Binding
    Proteins in Rat Adipocyte / 이완, 1998, (지도교수 : 양일석)
ㆍStructure and Function of Regulatory Region of Human HOXA7 Gene in Transgenic Mice / 민원기, 1998, (지도교수 : 우희종)
ㆍExperimental Studies on Diagnosis and Treatment of the Acute Pancreatitis in Dogs / 윤영민, 1997, (지도교수 : 최희인)
ㆍEffects of Extrinsic Stressor and Lipopolysaccharide on the Production of IgG in Domestic Cats /
    나기정, 1997, (지도교수 : 이창우)
ㆍStudies on the Carcinogenic Mechanism of Cadmium in Rat Liver Epithelial Cells /
    정상희, 1997, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍAssement of Inhalation Toxicity Using Rat Nasal Lesions / 이종권, 1997, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍIsolation and Identification of Mycoplasma by Polymerase Chain Reaction from Feedlot Calves /
    김철규, 1997, (지도교수 : 서익수)
ㆍThe Effects of Electroacupuncture on Gastrointestinal Motility and Blood Concentration of Endocrine Substances in
    Horses / 김병선, 1997, (지도교수 : 최희인)
ㆍCorrelation of Transrectal Ultrasonography of the Prostate Gland with Quantitative Analysis of Prostatic Fluid and
    Biopsied Tissue in Dogs / 엄기동, 1997, (지도교수 : 성재기)
ㆍAn Evaluation of Healing Process of Laryngeal Surgical Procedures Using Spectrography in Dogs /
    연성찬, 1996, (지도교수 : 남치주)
ㆍGene Transfer and Expression of LacZ Gene Using Retroviral Vector Producer Cells in Rat Partial Hepatectomized or
    Orthotopic Hepatocellular Carcinoma Model / 태주호, 1996, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍEffects of Bovine Antisperm Antibodies on Fertilizing Capacity of Bovine Spermatozoa / 김계성, 1996, (지도교수 : 황우석)
ㆍEstablishment of Experimental Cirrhosis Model and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Serum Procollagen
    Type III Peptide in Rats / 조재진, 1996, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍEffects of Anesthesia on Echocardiograms in Myocardial Infarcted Dogs / 윤정희, 1996, (지도교수 : 성재기)
ㆍEffects of Membrane Surface Charge on the Activity of Ca2? -activated K? Channel / 박진봉, 1996, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍEffects of Cyclopiazonic Acid, Aflatoxin B₁and Sambutoxin on Rabbit Platelet Aggregation /
    홍충만, 1996, (지도교수 : 조명행)
ㆍThe Basic Studies on Diagnosis and Therapy for Gastric Cancer Using Galectin-3 / 주홍구, 1996, (지도교수 : 이문한)
ㆍProtective Effect of Chicken Egg York Antibody on Canine Parvovirus Infection in Neonatal Pups /
    오태호, 1996, (지도교수 : 한홍율)
ㆍStudies on the Toxicopathologic Mechanisms of Alkylating Vesicants and the Development of Therapeutic
    Medicaments of Their Poisonings / 김윤배, 1996, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍDetection of Reticuloendotheliosis (RE) Proviral DNA by Polymerase Chain Reaction and Immunosuppressive
    Effects and Oncogenicity of RE Virus Isolated in Korea / 성환우, 1995, (지도교수 : 김선중)
ㆍDevelopmental Potency of Nuclear Transplanted Embryos in Bovine / 신태영, 1995, (지도교수 : 조충호)
ㆍPathologic Studies on Allergic Enteritis of Postweaning Piglets / 배상호, 1995, (지도교수 : 임창형)
ㆍIn Vitro and In Vivo Developmental Capacity of Bovine Embryos Matured and Fertilized In Vitro /
    이은송, 1995, (지도교수 : 조충호)
ㆍStudies on Morphogentic Characteristics and Structure of Chromosomes in Korean Wild Rats (Rattus norvegicus) /
    성제경, 1995, (지도교수 : 이준섭)
ㆍThe Cytochrome P450 System in Fish as a Bioindicator for Assessment of Environmental Pollution /
    박태균, 1995, (지도교수 : 신광순)
ㆍPathology on Oval Cells and Hepatocytes in Early Stages of Rat Hepatocarcinogenesis Induced by Diethylnitrosamine
    and N-2-Fluorenylacetamide / 안병우, 1995, (지도교수 : 박응복)
ㆍThe Renal Lesions in Mice Inoculated with Shiga-like Toxin Ⅱ Purified from Escherichia coli O157:H7 /
    신재호, 1995, (지도교수 : 임창형)
ㆍCharacteristics and Treatments of Tear Staining Syndrome in Poodle Dogs / 서강문, 1995, (지도교수 : 남치주)
ㆍSerological Differentiation, Pathogenicity and Immunogenicity of Avian Infectious Bronchitis Viruses Isolated in
    Korea / 김재홍, 1994, (지도교수 : 김선중)
ㆍImmunogenicity of Outer Membrane Protein of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Isolated in Korea /
    조성근, 1994, (지도교수 : 마점술)
ㆍPathologic Characteristics of Colorectal Tumor Induced by 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine Dihydrochloride and Modifying
    Effect of Diallyl Disulfide in Rats / 한범석, 1994, (지도교수 : 임창형)
ㆍStudy on Nuclei of CNS Innervating Rat Stomach by Using Virus as Neurotracer / 이봉희, 1994, (지도교수 : 이흥식)
ㆍPathologic Studies on Diabetic Cardiomyopathy Induced by Streptozotocin in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats /
    김진만, 1994, (지도교수 : 박응복)
ㆍEffects of All-trans Retinoic Acid on the Cholangiocarcinogenesis in Hamsters Infected with Clonorchis sinensis /
    김학엽, 1994, (지도교수 : 임창형)
ㆍStudies on the Seroepidemiology and Pathogenesis of Canine Herpesvirus Infection in Dogs /
    서일복, 1994, (지도교수 : 임창형)
ㆍCharacteristics of the Ionic Currents in Rabbit Basilar Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells / 강동묵, 1994, (지도교수 : 양일석)
ㆍPathologic Observations of Pyelonephritis Induced by Corynebacterium renale in Rats / 오효성, 1994, (지도교수 : 임창형)
ㆍEffects of Retinoic Acid on the Proliferation of Preneoplastic Hepatocytes and the Activity of Natural Killer
    Cells in Rats / 정자영, 1994, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍStudies on the Carcinogenesis of Bile Duct in Hamsters Infected with C. sinensis / 이재현, 1993, (지도교수 : 박응복)
ㆍClinical and Experimental Studies on Colon Fistulation in Ruminants / 장광호, 1993, (지도교수 : 남치주)
ㆍStudies on the Assessment of Nephrotoxicity Using Rabbit Renal Proximal Tubular Vesicles : Alleviating Effects of
    Some Drugs on the Renal Toxicity of Cisplatin / 성하정, 1993, (지도교수 : 이창업)
ㆍAnatomical and Craniometric Studies on the Skull of the Korean Native Goat / 이성준, 1993, (지도교수 : 이흥식)
ㆍStudies on the In Vitro Development and Cryopreservation of Nuclear Transplant Mouse Embryos /
    이병천, 1993, (지도교수 : 조충호)
ㆍStudy on Natural Killer Cell Activity and c-myc Oncoprotein Expression in the Rat Hepatocarcinogenic
    Inhibition of Red Ginseng / 강경선, 1993, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍPathogenicity of Cryptosporidium parvum Isolated from Mouse and Anticryptosporidial Effects of Some Drugs /
    노재욱, 1993, (지도교수 : 장두환)
ㆍExpression and Purification of Ice-nucleation Protein from Pseudomonas syringae Using Escherichia coli /
    임종섭, 1993, (지도교수 : 한수남)
ㆍHormonal Regulation of the Growth and the Functional Differentiation of Renal Proximal Tubule Cells /
    한호재, 1993, (지도교수 : 권종국)
ㆍHuman Hepatocyte Primary Culture and Its Application to Pharmacology and Toxicology Effects of Hormones,
    Cytokines and Chemicals on Hepatocyte growth / 오구택, 1993, (지도교수 : 이창업)
ㆍPathological Studies on the Calf Pneumonia Experimentally Induced by the Whole Cells, Endotoxin and
    Leukotoxin of Pasteurella haemolytica A1 / 진영화, 1993, (지도교수 : 박응복)
ㆍEffects of 5-Fluorouracil, Methotrexate and Retinoic Acid on Metabolic Status of Murine Fibrosarcoma
    Implanted in C₃Hf/Sed Mouse / 김곤섭, 1992, (지도교수 : 한수남)
ㆍSubpopulation of Limphocytes in Blood and Lymphoid Organs of the Pig / 황의경, 1992, (지도교수 : 임창형)
ㆍStudies on the Diagnosis and Prevention of Ruminal Adhesions to Abdominal Wall in Goats /
    정종태, 1992, (지도교수 : 남치주)
ㆍStudies on Streptococcus suis Type 2 Infection in Pigs in Korea / 정종기, 1992, (지도교수 : 박응복)
ㆍStudies on the Blood Types of Korean Native Cattle (Bos taurus coreanae) / 신형두, 1992, (지도교수 : 권종국)
ㆍEffects of γ-Irradiation from Cobalt-60 on Development, Pathogenicity and Immunogenicity of Eimeria tenella /
    윤희정, 1992, (지도교수 : 장두환)
ㆍEffects of Platelet-activating Factor on Implantation in the Rat / 박경식, 1992, (지도교수 : 권종국)
ㆍMolecular Cloning and cDNA Probe Hybridization of Encephalomyocarditis Virus / 김원용, 1992, (지도교수 : 마점술)
ㆍPathological Studies of the Brain Lesions Induced by Trichothecene (T-2 toxin) in Rats / 강태규, 1992, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍPathological Study of the Effects of Verapamil on the Pulmonary Lesions Induced by Bleomycin in Rats /
    김대중, 1992, (지도교수 : 이준섭)
ㆍMorphology and Immunohistochemistry of the Olfactory Bulb in the Cat / 원무호, 1991, (지도교수 : 이흥식)
ㆍStudies on In Vitro and In Vivo Assessment of Virulence of Yersinia enterocolitica Isolated from Swine /
    박석기, 1991, (지도교수 : 전윤성)
ㆍThe studies on the Epidermal Growth Factor in Rats with Special Reference to Relationships with
    Reproductive Phenomena / 황광남, 1991, (지도교수 : 조충호)
ㆍDevelopment of a Novel Method for Assessment of Nephrotoxicity Using Membrane Vesicles of Rabbit Renal
    Proximal Tubules / 이영재, 1991, (지도교수 : 이창업)
ㆍClinical Pathologic Study on DL-Ethionine-induced Fatty Liver in Korean Black Goats / 이경갑, 1991, (지도교수 : 최희인)
ㆍEcological Approach to Asian Taenia with Reference to Viscerotropic Cysticercosis in Intermediate Hosts /
    엄기선, 1991, (지도교수 : 장두환)
ㆍStudies on the Medium-term Carcinogenicity Bioassay Using D-galactosamine / 김형진, 1991, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍEffects of Levamisole, Selenium and Tocopherol on the Functions of Blood Neutrophil, Lymphocyte and
    Peritoneal Macrophage of Korean Native Goats / 김종만, 1991, (지도교수 : 마점술)
ㆍAn Immunosorbent Assay Using Enzyme Labeled Protein G Commonly Applicable for the Detection of
    Antibodies to Sendai Virus in Mice, Rats and Guinea Pigs / 임윤규, 1991, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍDevelopment of Modified Radial Immunodiffusion Enzyme Assay Using Monoclonal Antibody, and
    Cloning of gP50 and gP63 Genes of Pseudorabies Virus / 권창희, 1991, (지도교수 : 이영순)
ㆍA Morphological and Biochemical Study on Diazinon-induced Skeletal Malformation and Inhibition of
    Mineralization in Chicken Embryo / 조준형, 1990, (지도교수 : 이창업)
ㆍImmunogenicity and Toxicity of the Capsular Materials from Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae in Mice and Pigs /
    장동덕, 1990, (지도교수 : 임창형, 박응복)
ㆍThe Anatomical Studies on the Major Salivary Gland in the Korean Native Goat / 김진상, 1990, (지도교수 : 이흥식)
ㆍEffects of Artificial Saliva on the Population Dynamics of Ciliates and the Fermentation in the Rumen /
    지차호, 1990, (지도교수 : 장두환)
ㆍModification of Survivals and Blood-forming Stem Cells in Cobalt-60 Gamma Irradiated Mice by Aloe vera /
    최민철, 1990, (지도교수 : 성재기)
ㆍStudies on the Electrophysiological Properties of the Egg Membrane in the Mouse / 홍성근, 1990, (지도교수 : 권종국)
ㆍDevelopmental Potential of Bisected-Aggregated Mouse Embryos after Freezing / 신상태, 1989, (지도교수 : 조충호)
ㆍA Pathological Study on the Peplomycin-induced Pulmonary Fibrosis in Rats / 배종희, 1989, (지도교수 : 박응복)
ㆍStudies on Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae Infection of Pigs in Korea / 예재길, 1989, (지도교수 : 서익수)
ㆍMorphological Studies on the Hemal Node and Hemolymph Node in the Korean Native Goat /
    윤여성, 1989, (지도교수 : 이준섭)
ㆍColostrum-conferred Passive Immune Status and Its Effect on Disease Incidence in Korean Native
    Calves during the Suckling Period / 김두, 1989, (지도교수 : 한홍율)
ㆍImmunohistochemical Localization of the Vasopressin and Oxytocin Neurons and Serotonergic
    Synapses in the Hypothalamus of the Hamster / 김대중, 1989, (지도교수 : 이흥식)
ㆍPathological Studies on Renal Lesions Induced by Aspergillus fumigatus in Mice / 한정희, 1989, (지도교수 : 임창형)
ㆍEffects of Whole-Body Cobalt-60 Gamma Irradiation on the Young Korean Native Goats / 김종규, 1989, (지도교수 : 성재기)
ㆍStudies on the Effects of Toltrazuril and Sulfadimethoxine against Eimeria tenella and E. acervulina
    with Electron Microscopy / 김병기, 1989, (지도교수 : 장두환)
ㆍStudy on Host-specificity of Parasitic Helminths Detected from the Striped Field Mouse, Apodemus agarius
    coreae Thomas and the Mole, Talpa micrura coreana Kuroda in Korea / 김성원, 1988, (지도교수 : 장두환)
ㆍDistribution of Thermophilic Campylobacters in Animals and Transfer of Drug Resistance Factor of Isolates to
    Related Bacteria / 김용환, 1988, (지도교수 : 마점술)
ㆍEffects of Trace Elements on Growth and Aflatoxin Production of Aspergillus flavus / 박종명, 1988, (지도교수 : 한수남)
ㆍEffects of Ibaraki Virus on Viability of Preimplantation Mouse Embryos / 김용준, 1988, (지도교수 : 조충호)
ㆍHistopathological Studies on Development of Typhoid Nodules Caused by Salmonella Species in Rats /
    김상균, 1987, (지도교수 : 임창형)
ㆍExperimental Study on the Efficacy of an Injectable Nitroxynil and Levamisole Preparationi against Liver Flukes and
    Gastrointestinal Roundworms / 전계식, 1986, (지도교수 : 장두환)
ㆍExperimental Trichothecene (T-2) Toxicosis in Guinea Pigs / 김종수, 1986, (지도교수 : 박응복)
ㆍMorphopathogenesis of the Abscess Induced by Dermatophilus-like Microorganism in Mice /
    하창수, 1986, (지도교수 : 박응복)
ㆍAction of Adenosine Triphosphate on Uterine Smooth Muscle Motility in Gilt / 김주헌, 1986, (지도교수 : 권종국)
ㆍStudies on Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) in Korea / 석호봉, 1986, (지도교수 : 서익수)
ㆍStudies on the Anticoccidial Efficacy of Polyester Ionophorous Antibiotics, Salinomycin Sodium, Monensin Sodium,
    and Maduramicin Ammonium by the Anticoccidial Index in Chickens / 조영웅, 1986, (지도교수 : 장두환)
ㆍHistopathological Studies on Nephritis Induced by Candida albicans in Rats / 권영방, 1986, (지도교수 : 임창형)
ㆍStudies on the Bronchodilator Effect of Higenamine in Isolated Guinea-pig Tracheal Smooth Muscle /
    윤효인, 1986, (지도교수 : 이창업)
ㆍHistopathological Studies on Glomerulonephritis Induced by Nephrotoxic Antiserum and Nephritogenoside in Swine /
    강문일, 1986, (지도교수 : 임창형)
ㆍNutritional and Physiological Studies on Slaughterhouse by Products and Sodium Hydroxide Treated Rice
    Straw Silage in Ruminants / 박준홍, 1986, (지도교수 : 권종국)
ㆍAcridine Orange-induced Changes in Lipopolysaccharides and Cell Wall of Salmonella pullorum /
    김종배, 1985, (지도교수 : 마점술)
ㆍEffect of Monosodium Glutamate on Proximal Epiphyseal Plate of the Femur in Young Chicken /
    양홍현, 1985, (지도교수 : 이흥식)
ㆍA Study on Antiestrogenic Effects of Tamoxifen in Immature Rat Uterus / 이효종, 1985, (지도교수 : 조충호)
ㆍStudies on Selective Separation of Highly Motile Bovine Sperm / 김명철, 1984, (지도교수 : 조충호)
ㆍA Study on Characteristics of Acid-base Balance in Goats / 양일석, 1984, (지도교수 : 성호경)
ㆍHistological Studies on the Adenohypophysis of Korean Native Goat / 이인세, 1984, (지도교수 : 이흥식)
ㆍImmunogenicity of Synthetic Peptide Specific for Major Immunogenic Determinant of Hepatitis B
    Surface Antigen / 신광순, 1984, (지도교수 : 한수남)
ㆍStudies on Antibacterial Agent Produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus / 김동신, 1984, (지도교수 : 전윤성)
ㆍA Study on Intestinal Lesions of Experimentally Infected Dogs with Metagonimus yokogawai /
    강신영, 1983, (지도교수 : 장두환)
ㆍStudies on Excess Feeding of Vitamin A to Chicks, with Special References to the Blood Concentration,
    Circulating Forms and Metabolic Effects of Vitamin A / 조종후, 1982, (지도교수 : 한수남)
ㆍStudies on the Incidence of Tick-Borne Parasites and Chemotherapeutic Control to Theileria sergenti Infections in
    Exotic Cattle in Korea / 서명득, 1982, (지도교수 : 장두환)
ㆍStudies on the Serodiagnosis for Swine Anisakiasis / 문무홍, 1982, (지도교수 : 장두환)
ㆍStudies on the Effects of Estradiol-17β and Progesterone on Estradiol and Progesterone Receptor
    Concentrations in Uteri and Livers of Immature Rats / 황우석, 1982, (지도교수 : 조충호)
ㆍInteractions of Ovarian Steroid Hormones and Autonomic Drugs on the Regulation of Cyclic Nucleotide
    Levels in Ovariectomized Rat Uteri / 이문한, 1981, (지도교수 : 한수남)
ㆍSperm Specific and Seminal Plasma Specific Antigens of Korean Bull / 이창우, 1980, (지도교수 : 오수각)
ㆍCharacteristics of Na-K-ATPase System of Korean Native Goat Kidney / 김용근, 1978, (지도교수 : 윤석봉)
ㆍStudies on the Stimulation of Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages with Bacterial Adjuvant Preparatioin - Inhibition
    of Macrophage PAE-rosette Formation and Enhancement of Fungiostatic Activity against
    Candida albicans / 최철순, 1977, (지도교수 : 전윤성)
ㆍHistochemical and Electron Microscopic Studies on Effect of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning on Corpus
    Striatum of Rat / 이흥식, 1976, (지도교수 : 윤석봉)
ㆍInvestigation and Study on Eurytrema pancreaticum in Korea / 이창업, 1974, (지도교수 : 이장낙)
ㆍBlood Picture of the Korean Native Goats from Birth to Maturity ... / 최희인, 1974, (지도교수 : 오수각)
ㆍStudies on Modified Complement Fixation of Bovine Blackleg / 서부갑, 1972, (지도교수 : 전윤성)
ㆍEffects of External Whole-Body gamma-Irradiation on Blood Picture and Growth in Young Rabbits / 성재기, 1972
ㆍEffects of Decoction Powder of Aconite Root on Blood Picture, Uptake of 42K and 24Na, and Thyroid
    Activity in Experimental Animals / 이영소, 1971
ㆍStudies on Eurytrema pancreaticum / 장두환, 1971
ㆍStudies on the Effects of Several Methods of Irrigation Control Affecting the Growth and Yields of Rice Plants and
    Saving the Irrigation Water / 이창구, 1969
ㆍ(A) Study on the Myelinated Fibers in the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve of the Dog / 윤석봉, 1966
ㆍAlterations of Blood Cells and Hematopoietic Funtion during the Experimental Starvation / 이방환, 1963